The only criteria for this list: be released in 2010 and bought in 2010.
Number Five: Toynami's Bender
This is a re-release, but it was re-released in 2010 and I did buy it. The awesome eye options and good "bending" articulation made this the best figure, from an American animation, I've ever seen. Every Simpsons and Family Guy figure I've come across never quite got the transition from 2d to 3d just right. Something about it usually off, but here with this figure, they really captured the essence of the great Bender Bending RodrÃguez.
Number Four: Marvel Universe's World War Hulk
This figure is one of the figures I picked up during the holidays and will be getting a proper review in the future. This is the first ever proper Hulk figure. The Legends' version of King Hulk and Planet Hulk were lacking the key details that this figure got perfectly. Compared to the first Marvel Universe Hulk figure, this is a fucking masterpiece.
Number Three: Star Wars Vintage's General Grievous
Another figure that will be getting a proper review later. He has no balance on his own, and he has no figure stand holes in his feet. As you can see in the picture, I'm currently using Lightning's stand to pose him. This figure got here for the ingenuity of the arm articulation. Both his arms can split into two while keeping the same wide range of movement whether together or separate. Coupled with the surprisingly magnificent cloth cape, this right here is the Star Wars figure of the decade! Does it have ball-jointed legs? Nope. Is it still awesome? Hell yes.
Number two: Hasbro's Marvel Legends Deadpool
Released just in time to make this list. Upsized from the Wolverine movie release, they made him keep the horrible looking red dot and silver straps harness. I believe I saw a guide on how to make a better one on /toy/. I'll have to find that one of these days. Other than the harness, this figure is fucking fantastic. His articulation is awesome. It has a shoulder blade joint that swivels back and forward. The last time I saw that was in a Gundam Wing model! His head has great up and down travel. The rest is pretty much on par for a Legends figure. The one thing I wish it, and many other figures, had is a double cut wrist joint. The shoulder blade joint is an okay substitute for a double cut shoulder joint, but a simple wrist swivel is only good for face palming.
Number one: Play Arts Kai's Lightning!!!! Take a bow girl!
So despite having one of the ugliest sculpts of hair on a figure, she still takes the top spot for being able to pull off poses like that and keep her balance. And without the help of a stand no-less! This figure does have a full review already. I do have a mini-update. You can't see it in the picture, but the paint is beginning to crack at the bottom of her jacket. One of the downsides of being rubber I guess. All her joints still feel very stiff, and it's still an epic figure overall.
Honorable mentions worth noting:
Marvel Universe Galactus - While epic is size, the skirt kills it (and its articulation).
Big Sister - Unlike the Big Daddy, it was articulating spectacularly. The Little Sister figure it comes with is very awesome too. It narrowly missed the top five.
Slave 1 - If only it were the right (Empire Strikes Back) colors. It would've made the list even though it's a vehicle.
Vintage Boba Fett - While only behind Grievous as best Star Wars figure, Hasbro needs to upgrade the Star Wars line to get on par with Marvel and Joe figures.
Revoltech Woody - Released in 2010, but I haven't bought it yet. This creep-tacular figure would probably have made the list had I bought it. I do plan on getting it sometime this year. Along with...
Figuarts Luffy - My first Figuarts figure still alludes me, and this is one I will be getting this year.
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