Juggernaut and Mystique. $7.49 each. I liked the sculpt of Juggs and picked him up because of it. I was disappointed that the helmet isn't removable. His bulkiness inhibits the articulation of his arms a lot. His hands can't reach his face or the other hands. His legs are surprisingly articulated. He doesn't come with any accessories, which is fine.
Galactus. $49.99. He comes with Silver Surfer. This will be my second Galactus figure and first Silver Surfer. First Galactus was a Marvel Masterworks diorama. Easily the tallest figure I now own. Previously held by the Marvel Icons and 1/60 Freedom Gundam. He has a button on his chest you can press and he'll say a couple of phrases. The sculpt is really nice. There are two blemishes. On the back of the upper arms, there are visible tears from the molding process.
The chest piece and the skirt are rubber. The chest piece is fine, it doesn't hinder any arm articulation.
The skirt, however, prevents him from doing anything but stand straight. His head has excellent up and down travel. His hands are a great let down. For a figure this size, articulated hands is a must. I can't believe his hands are this lame. If he can't look like he's about to crush someone, why have an action figure this size at all! Icon figures are only a third less bigger, but their articulation blows Galactus's out of the water. It's nice to have a somewhat pose-able Galactus, but his flaws pretty much take away from the coolness of the figure. The electronics are mediocre. The light are orange and are not bright enough to look good. They should have just made it so it would light up the blue crystal they already have in the head instead of the orange. I would have loved it if they had some kind of attachable stand to have Silver Surfer flying around Galactus. I don't have the Legends build a figure Galactus, so I can't compare anything but looks. I like the Marvel Universe sculpt way more, but there is still so much to be desired.
Last pic will be size comparison. Galactus stands with Marvel Icons Venom, Play Arts Kai Snake, Marvel Legends (Ultimate) Nick Fury, and Marvel Universe Juggernaut and Mystique.
Already have the marvel legends BAF Galactus, but that head design of yours looks awesome!