Iron Man (Extremis version) 3.75" Marvel Universe by Hasbro. Cost: $7.99. Hyped by Internet and had to buy. First Iron Man in 3.75" scale. Third Iron Man figure over all.
Browsing /toy/, I came to read that Extremis Iron Man had a head joint that could look all way up. For that alone, I decided to pick him up after passing him the first time thinking it was just another Iron Man. The paint job on this figure is pretty vibrant. The joints are annoyingly loose though.
Marvel Legends Icon Iron Man was my first Iron Man figure, and the first pose I put him in was him charging a kamehameha wave up. I added the blast pieces after a moment of laughing and continued after. So it is appropriate that I put this Iron Man to the same test. The 6" Movie figure failed horribly. The 3.75" passes, but just barely. It fails the other pose tests though. The shoulder guards are molded on and restrict it from a proper Randy Orton pose. The lack of a good wrist joint makes it impossible for a good Masataka pose. It does however pass an important pose that was the reason I bought it.
This head joint is awesome. The third figure I own without hair, this figure could look up if it wanted. It is the only one who can though. War Machine and Deadpool's heads don't have this head joint. I hope future figures will use this head joint wherever possible.
This Iron Man comes with a blast piece that is embarrassingly bad. Ms. Marvel showed me that blast pieces could be properly made and attached without it looking stupid. I would think they would have continued that excellence here. Sadly, it's just stupidly clipped on and looks all kinds of wrong.
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking when they made this piece?! I really wish they had done what Toy Biz did with their Legends Icon figure and just put small blast pieces with pegs. Then at least, they could use it as a repulsor blast on either the hands or feet.
Ignoring the idiotic accessory, this Iron Man figure is still pretty nice to look at and is a little more posable. I like it.
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