Friday, May 28, 2010

The A-Team!

A-Team figures and vehicle by Jazwares. Cost: Figures - $5.99 each Vehicle - $24.99

I first heard about these on /toy/. I also heard that they had been sighted at Target on /toy/. These are toys I've been waiting to own for twenty years. Albeit they are not of the original cast, they are a fine substitute.

Here, the A-Team figures are flanked by a Marvel Universe Hydra soldier and a Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker. The figures are okay. They are simple things with simple paint apps. Nothing extraordinary about them. With the exception of Hannibal with his silver machine gun, they all have the exact same handgun and machine gun pieces. Articulation is mostly typical of this size. The feet are connected by a ballpeg and it only swivels horizontally. The legs are attached by ball and socket. It gives it more freedom than a regular Star Wars figure, but not as much as a Marvel Universe figure due to the way its molded. The upper body articulation is about the same as a Star Wars figure. Out of the four, Face is my favorite one. The suit just looks good. I might have to get another so I can put Hannibal's head on it.

The first thing I noticed about this toy was the sliding door. It simply looks like shit. I pretty much knew I wasn't going to be pleased with this.

After taking it out of the box, my fears were confirmed. The door is crap.

They even have a sticker on there explaining how shitty the door is. The back doors hide the sound electronics and don't open. I really wanted to be able to use the back doors. They really should have forgo the sounds and put more into the engineering of the door(s). The two front doors are fine. They open wide enough to fit the figures in. The figures fit fine inside the van.

The front of the van has a rubber bumper which is warped to hell. Why the fuck wasn't this made plastic?

The red stripe is poorly painted around the van.

Overall, this is a terrible A-Team van toy. The figures are simply alright.

Beggars can't be choosers, so this is all I can have until they decide to make new toys out of the original TV series. And if that happens, maybe I can get a proper A-Team van toy then.